Tuesday is a big day for the YMCA.

They’re hosting a ‘Virtual Day’ in conjunction with GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity as an emergency response to COVID-19.

Live broadcasts are taking place on their Facebook page, featuring local YMCA staff and volunteers, with the community asked to consider supporting them.

“We have missed connecting with our members, participants and clients. The YMCA staff and volunteers are looking forward to bringing our communities together on this virtual day. The team has worked hard to program something for everyone and invite all to join us on May 5th,” says Helen Francis, President & CEO for the YMCA of Northeastern Ontario.

In a release officials say the YMCA has a more than 160-year history of adapting services to meet the needs of the community.

“During World War I, for example, the YMCA opened its doors to provide thousands of soldiers with bathing facilities. And, following Hurricane Hazel in 1954, many YMCA locations were used as a headquarters for military personnel dealing with the after-effects of the hurricane, as a clothing distribution centre, and for the preparation of food and drink for refugees and relief workers. And now, during COVID-19, the YMCA has responded quickly and in relevant ways by opening a temporary emergency shelter in North Bay, opening the Sudbury YMCA to vulnerable populations to get access to washrooms, phones and computers, opening emergency child care and providing services digitally like health, fitness and employment and immigrant services.”

Officials say the YMCA needs your help to ensure that when they can reopen, they will be strong and ready to support the community after COVID-19 in the most relevant way possible to serve the community.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: #GivingTuesdayNow, YMCA North Bay