A councillor motion asking the feds to reconsider this year’s 2.2 cent increase in the carbon tax and cancel increases planned for the next two years was not supported by council last night.

The author of the motion, Councillor Mike Anthony says now is not the time to ask people pay more at the pump.

“I really think we’re in an unprecedented and unexpected time when it comes to our economy. A lot of folks are having a tough time. I didn’t think increasing the price of an essential is a great idea,” he says.

Several councillors including Tanya Vrebosch were concerned about the impact of passing a motion on the city’s gas tax funding.

” We receive about $3.2 million annually from the federal gas tax money. We’re always looking for more as the cost of transit is more expensive and the cost of fixing roads is more expensive. The federal gas tax money is something we rely on,” Vrebosch says.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Federal Carbon Tax, Federal Gas Tax funding, Mike Anthony