We told you earlier that Premier Doug Ford is looking at a regional approach to re-open more of the economy.

North Bay Mayor Al McDonald says he’s watching the situation but more information is needed.

“We will always make decisions with safety in mind. And if it’s safe to do a few things that are being suggested we would absolutely move forward with consultation form the province and the Medical Officer of Health,” he says.

He says the community is split on re-opening right now as some residents feel it’s time while others want to take a more patient approach.

McDonald says once they have more information the situation will became clearer, but for now they’re taking and wait and see approach.

“When we get all the information we’ll be able to communicate it to our citizens and the picture will be a lot clearer. Right now, it’s so early and we don’t have all the information we need to make a decision whatsoever,” McDonald says.

He also says North Bay has done a tremendous job of keeping the numbers down and that involves residents following protocols.

(Photo previously submitted)

Filed under: Al McDonald North Bay