Saturday will include two local events focusing on Black Lives Matter.

Along with an afternoon march from Rollie Fischer Field to City Hall, there’s a separate event in the evening at the waterfront.

Organizers say their demonstration will provide information on Black Lives Matter while supporting events around the world.

They’ll also distribute supplies in the time of COVID-19 and ask people to wear a mask and maintain physical distancing protocols.

Meantime, BayToday says North Bay Police are looking into acquiring body worn cameras for officers to use.

The report says the chair of the board has asked the Chief of Police to look into the matter.

The request comes following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week.

The report says the Chief is encouraging members to discuss racism and policing and suggest ways of improving the relationship with the communities police serve.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Black Lives Matter, North Bay City Hall, waterfront