Budget Chief Tanya Vrebosch says they’ve lost $85,000 in expected revenue from field and park rentals due to COVID-19.

Obviously there hasn’t been bookings for games, walk-a-thons and other activities.

She says two leagues- North Bay Youth Soccer and North Bay Baseball Association have stopped taking registrations while other leagues have rescheduled for the hope that they’ll play their games later in the year.

Vrebosch says more losses may be coming too.

“Those numbers are going to start creeping back up as COVID continues. If we get at a rental loss with ice hockey rentals and universities and colleges not having bus passes for the term,”she says.

She estimates the losses could reach two million if some of the restrictions aren’t lifted and things don’t get back to normal.

“We know our numbers are going up. We’re not going to stay at $400,000. If you take out the airport as it is an unknown right now. Will they need anything in December? We will probably start our next projection being closer to two,” Vrebosch says.


(Photo by Jeff Turl/BayToday.ca)

Filed under: COVID-19, Tanya Vrebsch