Premier Doug Ford has announced a regional approach as the province moves to the next stage of COVID-19 reopenings later this week, which includes the North Bay area.

“It starts this Friday, June 12th, at 12:01 am with increasing the limits on social gatherings from five to ten people. I know that staying apart from our friends and loved ones has been one of the hardest parts over the last few months,” Ford says.

Physical distancing protocols will still apply.

Overall, the list of reopenings is quite extensive.

“Beauty salons, hair dressers, barber shops, day spas and other personal care services, with the exception of facial services. Indoor shopping malls with the food courts restricted to take out, restaurants and bars will be allowed to open their patios,” Ford says.

Stage two also allows for campgrounds, swimming pools and splash pads to reopen too.

Outdoor sports teams will be allowed to resume training with physical distancing, but no games yet, while places of worship can reopen with 30 percent capacity.

Mayor Al McDonald posted on social media that the city is looking into the details of the latest announcement and asks residents and businesses to continue to protect everyone by making sure all necessary protocols are followed.

Restrictions are not being eased in some areas like the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, which has a high concentration of the province’s COVID-19 cases.

Check out the link below to the province’s website for more information and specifics with Stage 2 reopening;


(With files from the Canadian Press)
(File photo by station staff)


Filed under: COVID-19, North Bay area, Stage 2 reopening