MPP Vic Fedeli has announced additional funding for two area hospitals.

The North Bay Regional Health Centre is receiving over $2.2 million while Mattawa General is getting over $135,000.

“Our government is supporting hospitals by ensuring they have the resources they need to meet the growing needs of our community,” said Fedeli. “This hospital investment takes into consideration incremental growth to support flexibility”.

In March the province announced $935 million in response to COVID-19.

As part of that funding, $594 million is supporting current and future demands for regular services at hospitals.

The government is also investing $341 million in hospitals to ensure their ongoing readiness to care for an increasing number of COVID-19 patients.

This includes funding for up to 1,000 acute care beds, 500 critical care beds, and assessment centres.

“Our hospital is very appreciative of the ongoing support of the provincial government. Having financially stable health service organizations is vital, now more than ever, as we face the challenges in front of us” said Pierre Noel, President and CEO of Hôpital de Mattawa Hospital. “This funding will go a long way toward keeping our hospital strong and our people safe”.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: Mattawa General Hospital, North Bay Regional Health Centre