There’s a 30 percent capacity limit, but places of worship are getting ready to reopen with stage two of the provincial reopening, including the Pro Cathedral.

They’ll be back open for mass next weekend, June 20th and 21st, with several safety protocols in place.

Officials say they include parishioners wearing masks and sanitizing hands when entering the cathedral.

Among the other measures, they say pews and aisles will be marked for physical distancing, there’s no shaking of hands, communion will be by hand only and due to physical distancing protocols, if necessary, weekend masses will be held in the Cathedral and the Parish Hall at the same time.

They say anyone that doesn’t feel well must not under any circumstance attend mass.


Weekday Mass at 12:05 PM (doors open at 11:30 AM); Saturday at 4:00 PM (doors open at 2:30 PM to allow for Confessions from 3:00 to 3:45 PM); Sunday at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM (doors open at 8:30 AM).

Confession: Saturday from 3:00 to 3:45 PM Cathedral will open at 2:30 PM

A dispensation from the obligation to attend mass remains in place for those whose attendance would constitute a risk to themselves or others.

Staying Safe

– If someone does not feel well, that person must not, under any circumstance, attend Mass.
– Everyone must wear a mask. If you have one of your own please bring it with you.
– Sanitize hands upon entry. Sanitizing stations are available and ushers will be available to assist you.
– A six foot distance between people must be maintained and congregating before and after mass must be avoided.
– Pews and aisles will be marked to note physical distancing requirements. Families and households living at the same residence may sit together; the 2 metre (6 foot) distance should be maintained for all others. Ushers will direct the seating arrangements. Please remember that our ushers are now frontline volunteers. Please help keep them safe by allowing them to direct you as required by our social distancing protocols.
– There will be no holy water in the font.
– Pews will be emptied of papers and envelopes. Materials will not be distributed including a bulletin or worship leaflet. The bulletin will continue to be posted online and emailed. Please consider signing up at
– At the exit of the church, volunteers will hold the doors open for parishioners.

The Mass
– No procession will be held.
– No singing at mass until further notice.
– No offertory procession. A container will be provided so that parishioners can deposit their offerings when leaving.
– No shaking hands and at the Sign of Peace. A nod or bow to others is appropriate.
– The faithful will receive Holy Communion in the hand only by placing one on top of the other, allowing the Minister of the Eucharist to safely place the Body of Christ in one’s hand without contact.
– Follow the direction of ushers for communion flow ensuring physical distancing at all times.
– Follow direction provided for dismissal and departure. Please do not leave your pew until advised.
– Following mass, please depart the Cathedral so that cleaning may commence. While it is our nature to congregate and socialize prior to and after mass, we ask you NOT to do so at this time. Please maintain physical distancing.

IMPORTANT: If you suddenly feel ill, start coughing or sneezing, please leave the Cathedral for the health and safety of others. If within 14 days of attending mass, you learn that you or someone in your family who attended mass with you has tested positive for COVID-19, you are asked to: a) contact the Ontario Public Health Authority; and, b) contact the parish office. Your identify will not be revealed to anyone other than the Public Health Authority, and only to ensure that the spread is contained.
(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: north bay, Pro Cathedral of the Assumption