Face masks in public areas are not mandatory locally, but the Health Unit is monitoring local data and will reassess the situation if needed.

That from Medical Officer of Health Dr Jim Chirico as the Health Unit reminds people to use face coverings when physical distancing cannot be maintained, especially indoors.

A face covering does not replace physical distancing and other protective health measures such as hand washing, and isolating yourself when you have symptoms or have come in close contact with someone with COVID-19 or suspected to have COVID-19,” said Chirico. “I recommend using face coverings when physical distancing cannot be maintained, especially when in an indoor setting, on public transit, and when receiving essential or close-contact services.”

If worn properly, a face covering, in addition to other protective health measures, can help protect others from your infectious droplets.

“At this time, we are not recommending mandating the use of face coverings district wide. The Health Unit will continue to monitor local data and will reassess the situation if necessary.” said Chirico.   “It is my hope that the use of facial coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic voluntarily becomes widespread and the social norm rather than being mandated. If this does not occur in a timely manner, we will be asking the provincial government to issue a directive under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to ensure consistency throughout the province, rather than having health units and municipalities legislate the use of facial coverings.”

Face coverings should not be worn by children under the age of two, or by a person who has trouble breathing or is unable to remove the face covering without assistance.

To learn more about face coverings, including how to wear, clean and discard them, visit www.myhealthunit.ca/FaceCoverings/.

Currently, there is no specific treatment for COVID-19. It is important to remember that most people with COVID-19 have no symptoms or mild symptoms.

People who are mildly ill should isolate and care for themselves at home.

Most will recover in one to two weeks by simply treating the symptoms.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit