Officials with the Capitol Centre say there unfortunately won’t be any summer camps through the arts and entertainment venue this year.

That from Programming and Events Director Dan Misturada during a recent Facebook Live ‘Status Chat’ hosted by the Capitol Centre.

“We feel that at this point given our current operational level and staffing we wouldn’t be able to do it justice and it’s not really fair to the children attending these camps that they wouldn’t be getting the same experience that they’re used to,” he says.

Meantime, WKP Kennedy Gallery Director/Curator Alix Voz says they’ll be doing an online challenge for kids.

“We’re going to be calling it the Kennedy Kids Craft Challenge. That’s something to keep an eye out for, to keep engaged and some ideas to keep the children active and participating in Capitol Centre events,” she told the ‘Status Chat’ session.

Officials encourage parents to watch for further details on their social media channels and websites and

You can view the entire Capitol Centre Facebook Live ‘Status Chat’ below

Filed under: Capitol Centre North Bay, WKP Kennedy Gallery