A 10 year old city girl is doing her part to beautify North Bay.

Isabella Castiglione and her mother Melanie have been cleaning some of the graffiti on signs in the city.

They told BayToday they first noticed something while going for a walk along the Kinsmen Trail but they went to work when they observed another sign at the waterfront.

Isabella says she just wants to make a difference for North Bay

“I thought it would be nice to clean off some graffiti off plaques so people can see what some of these signs look like,” she says.

Mayor Al McDonald noticed. On social media he says Isabella’s effort is amazing and inspiring.

McDonald says it’s unfortunate that some people in our community show such a lack of respect to all our citizens by defacing public property.

Isabella told BayToday she has a message for those responsible.

“I would want them to stop doing it so people can read the signs. It’s important to be kind to the world,” Castiglione says.

(photo from BayToday courtesy Facebook)

Filed under: graffiti, Isabella Castiglione