A 34 year old North Bay motorist has become the 24th driver within the North Bay OPP Detachment area to be charged with impaired driving this year.

Police say the charge was laid after a vehicle made a u-turn during a RIDE spot check on the bypass early on Wednesday morning.

Police say officers followed the vehicle and after speaking to the driver the charge was laid.

The vehicle was impounded for seven days and the drivers licence was subject to a 90-day Administrative Drivers Licence Suspension (ADLS).


North Bay OPP are investigating a break, enter and theft that took place between July 5th and 10th.

Stolen were several items valued at a total of $10,000.

The items include a .22 calibre semi-automatic rifle, hand tools, power tools, a table saw, three generators and a weed trimmer.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: break and enter, impaired driving charge, North Bay OPP, theft