Pickleball continues to gain in popularity. It has been known as an indoor game but this summer it’s moved outside with two courts set up at the North Bay Granite Tennis facility.

John Halliday told BayToday the sport has been gaining momentum among people of all ages.

“People are getting exposed to the game. A great sport for anyone who has played a racket sport be it tennis, badminton, squash or ping pong. If you’ve played in your youth you can pick up Pickleball and be proficient in a short period of time,” he says.

He says there’s a need for more outdoor courts in the city.

“We need more outdoor facilities in North Bay. You look at Sault Ste Marie, Sudbury and Kenora. They all have outdoor Pickleball courts. Why can’t we have that in North Bay. I think the demand is here,” Halliday says.

He told BayToday he has talked to city councillors and believes there’s support.

Initially the target audience for pickle ball was an older set but Halliday says younger people are getting interested too.

(photo by Chris Dawson BayToday)

Filed under: North Bay Granite, Pickleball