A local solution is being offered for residents of long term care homes and family members so they can have a visit during COVID-19.

Marc Udeschini is president of North Bay’s NorEnvironmental International and he along with Shauenburg Industries, another local company, came up with the idea of a greeting pod.

He told BayToday it’s not a tent and it protects the resident.

“The residents section is protected by a positive air flow which is a Hepa Filter that hospitals use. This ensures under no circumstance can there be any cross contamination between the two sections of the shelter,” he says.

He says there’s also a section for the family member. He says long term care homes have expressed interest and one of them is going to give the greeting pod a trial run.

“This will allow us to set the shelter up at a facility and work with the long term care home to see if we can make an effective solution for them,” Udeschini says.

(photo is of Marc Udeschini, (left) from NorEnvironmental International and Don Croteau from Schauenburg Industries in front of their unique greeting pod made here in North Bay)

(Photo by Chris Dawson BayToday)


Filed under: greeting pod, Marc Udeschini, NorEnvironmental International, Schauenburg Industries