North Bay Police have laid domestic related charges. The charges facing a 38 year old Commanda man including three counts of assault and one count of uttering a threat.

Police say earlier this month an incident occurred at a residence in Callander when an argument turned physical and then a lighter was held in front of the victim and a threat was made to burn the victim.

Police say their investigation revealed additional incidents of assault.

Upon arrest, police say they were spat at and that resulted in an additional charge and they were told by a male he was COVID positive.

(b and e )

A 35 year old North Bay man has been charged with break and enter and two counts of theft.

Police say the charges relate to a break in at a business on McIntyre Street West last week.

Police say electronic equipment valued at over $30,000 was taken.

In addition, a charge were also laid in connection with a Hammond Street business theft two days later and another one on Fraser Street.

(lost control)

A north bound truck lost control on Highway 11 just north of Novar early this morning.

Police closed one lane of traffic while the vehicle was being removed but everything is back to normal.

There were no reported injuries.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: break and enter, domestic assault, North Bay Police