The North Bay Food Bank has seen an increase in new clients in since the start of the pandemic.

Executive Director Debbie Marson says they’re averaging about ten new clients a session, including people they haven’t seen in years or they’re brand new to the food bank.

“We found since COVID started we’re seeing people we haven’t seen before because one or two have lost a low paying job. Even with CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit), if they can get that top up, they’re still looking for that supplement of the food,” she says.

Meantime, their delivery service will continue on a very limited basis and is not a guaranteed service.

“We were very fortunate to have the support of the city, with the drivers that were doing the deliveries for us for the last three months, maybe four. Now we’re looking to try and keep that going to some degree based on volunteers that have stepped forward to help us,” Marson says.

The Food Bank is also returning to their pre-COVID hours on August 31st.

As for donations, Marson says online donations are welcome and are the easiest because you don’t have to leave your home.

“You go on our website and donate, monthly donations really do help us plan and sustain the income levels that’s coming in, especially with the fact we’re not doing the fundraisers that we’ve traditionally been allowed to do,” she says.

Physical distancing protocols are also in place for safe in-person donations while non-perishables, baby items and personal hygiene items are still accepted at the food bank too.

“I just want to thank the community, the support has been ongoing,” Marson says.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: COVID-19, North Bay Food Bank