As cities and towns across the province are reopening their communities, Ontario Power Generation is reminding people to take extreme caution this August long weekend when around water, especially around their hydroelectric stations and dams.

In our area, OPG operates hydroelectric stations in Sturgeon Falls, Mattawa, Powassan and Nipissing.

Officials says whether people are boating, swimming or fishing, conditions can change quickly and without warning.

They say ‘stay clear, stay safe and stay distanced”, pointing out the waterways near OPG’s facilities are not a safe place for recreation.

Before participating in any outdoor water recreational activity, officials advise the public to first visit:

OPG says despite continued warnings, some people disregard our signs and barriers, putting themselves at risk.

They work with Ontario Provincial Police to enforce these warnings, and charges can and have been laid.


(Photo submitted)

Filed under: Ontario Power Generation