Over $182,000 in COVID relief grants have been awarded by the North Bay and Area Community Foundation.

A wide range of local charities are receiving funding to support projects that help ensure no one is left behind in COVID-19 recovery measures.

The bulk of the funding, over $156,000, is part of the federal Emergency Community Support Fund.

The 13 local recipients include:
– North Bay and District Multicultural Centre
– Frontier College
– North Bay Symphony Society
– Algonquin Nursing Home
– North Bay and District Humane Society
– Victim Services of Nipissing District
– Capitol Centre
– Township of Bonfield
– Crisis Centre
– White Water Gallery/Art Fix
– North Bay Food Bank

Over $26,000 was provided through the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund which was created in partnership with the Rotary Club of North Bay.

The nine recipients include:
– Gathering Place
– North Bay Food Bank
– Mattawa Food Bank
– West Nipissing Food Bank
– Mattawa Women’s Resource Centre
– Callander and District Food Bank
– Salvation Army
– Near North Palliative Care Network
– Nipissing Serenity Hospice

Officials say Canada’s nonprofits and registered charities continue to provide valuable, on-the-ground support for populations experiencing increased vulnerability during COVID-19.

They say the need for additional support is great, with Community Foundations of Canada continuing to advocate for additional emergency funds and emphasizing the importance of sector-wide stabilization funding for Canada’s charitable and nonprofit sector.


(Logo submitted)

Filed under: North Bay And Area Community Foundation