The province has announced covid-19 relief and several area municipalities are benefitting.

North Bay is getting the lions share around $4.2 million including $1.2 million for transit. Other communities receiving funds include East Ferris, Callander, Powassan, Nipissing Township, Bonfield, Mattawa, Chisholm, Papineau-Cameron and Calvin.

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says the funding will come in handy as North Bay deals with a $1.7 million deficit that could have been worse.

“They found efficiencies and dug deep. They made a lot of moves that saved a lot of money. Knowing they have this money will help them as they continue to plan forward,” Fedeli says.

Fedeli says the funding will provide municipalities with the support they need to protect the health and well-being of their communities while continuing to deliver critical public services, such as transit and shelters.

He says it’s pretty open as to what the money can be spent on.

“This is stage one which implies there will be future stages which may be more conditional. We’ll see how the municipalities use this advance money first,” he says.

Municipalities receiving funding include:
” Bonfield, $135,000
” Callander, $218,100
” Calvin, $34,700
” Chisholm, $81,000
” East Ferris, $262,500
” Mattawa, $126,200
” Mattawan, $25,000
” Nipissing, $159,600
” Papineau-Cameron, $66,800
” Powassan, $179,500
” North Bay, $2,978,900 and an additional $1,201,515 to support transit operations

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: COVID-19, Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli, provincial funding