Now that the city knows how much the revenue from the Municipal Accommodations Tax has brought in council will be looking on what the spend the city’s share on.

Last week, we told you the city gets 40 % of the take around $360,000 and Tourism North Bay the rest around $540,000.

Councillor Scott Robertson on where the city’s money should go.

“When we are at budget time and talk about how to allocate this money the emphasis should be on public infrastructure. As we know we’re always trying to find money to maintain and build and make capital investments,” he says.

All the Tourism North Bay money must go towards tourism promotion and the group is expected to report to council on its plans soon.

There was concern at the council meeting about whether the city would get a look at the organizations budget.

Councillor Bill Vrebosch tried to ease the concern of one councillor.

“Any requests for a budget update from these people will easily be available Councillor Mayne. I don’t see a problem as they’ve been very responsible up till now,” Vrebosch says.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Municipal Accommodation Tax