CUPE Ontario and the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions are ramping up pressure on the Ford government to revoke emergency orders that they say override front line workers’ most important workplace rights.

CUPE Ontario president Fred Hahn says restrictions were put in place back in the spring due to COVID-19 and are still there even though there have been many successes in fighting the virus.

“They can change people’s shifts from days to nights, re-assign staff to another job, relocate workers to a different community, layoff staff without any notice and can cancel parental leaves,” Hahn says.

Hahn says they’re encouraging employees to take action every Thursday by printing off campaign photos, taking pictures with fellow colleagues as a way of supporting the campaign.

Hahn says there be rallies over the next few weeks at PC MPP offices. The North Bay rally will be on September 4th.

(file photo by station staff)

Filed under: CUPE, OCHU, workplace rights