With some parents concerned about students taking the bus to school due to COVID-19 when classes resume next month the Discovery Routes Trails Organization may have a solution.

Executive Director Jennifer McCourt told BayToday they’re offering bike safety lessons including riding with a full backpack but that’s not all.

“Knowing their signals and the rules of the road. Also, how to put on a helmet properly and how to make sure the bike fits on the road,” she says.

She says plenty of congestion is expected when school resumes so they are offering bike safety lessons.

She says the idea is to put together a program where students in grades 4-6 would feel confident biking to school.

“Taking those lower volume and lower traffic residential streets and plotting out their way to school. There might be some back trails they can access to avoid the high congestion areas,”McCourt says.

The sessions cost $30 and will be held from Tuesday to Friday in four areas of the city: Airport Hill, YMCA, West Ferris, and Graniteville.

(photo courtesy Trina Turl)

Filed under: bicycles, Discovery Routes Trails Organization, Jennifer McCourt