North Bay City Council has approved a close to $600,000 contract that will see new fare boxes and an electronic fare management system on North Bay Transit vehicles.

Chair of Operations and Infrastructure, Coun.Chris Mayne says this is another step in reducing the exchange of cash.

He says passengers will be using their mobile device a lot more.

“This will enable mobile device users to purchase, maintain and manage passes, individual tickets and transfers. As well, using things like qr codes and tap features,” Mayne says.

Coun. Mike Anthony on the benefits.

“The electronic fare system will have advantages like more accurate fare counts, faster transaction times and a significant reduction in the use of paper. There’s savings to be had when you’re not spending as much on paper,” Anthony says.

The contract with Solutions ITSMAX Inc. is for five years and could be longer as the city has an option to extend it.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Chris Mayne, Mike Anthony, North Bay Transit