The flags have been lowered at North Bay City Hall in honour of Councillor Mike Anthony who passed away yesterday.

A ceremony was held this morning with Mayor Al McDonald, council, senior staff, city police and fire officials too.

Speaking on behalf of the family, Wendy Prieur says Mike worked tirelessly to serve the people of North Bay, he had a love for media and his biggest love was for his family.

“On behalf of the family I would like to say we are overwhelmed by the outpouring of care and love by so many, Mike will truly be missed by all that knew him,” she says.

One by one each councillor spoke about Anthony’s commitment to the city and it’s residents, his leadership, how he was a mentor, full of energy and a friend, a colleague and family.

Mayor Al McDonald shared his fondest memory.

“Walking in with Mike back in 2000 when we were elected the first time and he continued on for six straight terms and that tells you the citizens respected his leadership at the council table,” he says

McDonald added that Anthony honestly did his best.

“He tried to represent everyone as best he could, he was kind, he had great wit, he was dedicated to spend almost 20 years on council serving in a very difficult environment, it’s difficult to be an elected official today and he did it with honour and respect,” McDonald says.

Deputy Mayor Tanya Vrebosch says Anthony’s passing is a huge loss for city council and the community.

“Whether it was getting the accessibility mat down at the waterfront, whether it was championing the Downtown which was a huge passion for him, the movie industry being in town, he loved arts and culture and he was big on accessibility. All those things are things that he was passionate about and when he was passionate he did what he had to make sure it was successful,” she says.

Anthony was also a former broadcaster, having worked at our stations in the 1990’s.

Country Brand National Format Director and former morning show host Peter McKeown says as an employee Mike was such a supporter of North Bay.

“To run for municipal politics and still share that passion with everyone in his community is just exemplary. My thoughts go out to his family down east and to Tanya and his family in North Bay, it is just shocking,” says McKeown.

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli, who was North Bay’s mayor from 2003 to 2010, tells BayToday he and Anthony always had time for fun in between all of the serious discussions on council.

That continued after Fedeli became MPP and a cabinet minister, too.

“We continued our conversations about North Bay, the north and where the provincial government should play a role. He was always very helpful, never had an unkind word, very, very positive, very jovial, very helpful guy,” he says.

Mike Anthony was 52 years old.


(Photo by station staff)

Filed under: City of North Bay, Councillor Mike Anthony, flags lowered