The Premier says if there is a second lock down it might not have an effect on people in Northern Ontario. Doug Ford was speaking during a virtual meeting this afternoon that was hosted by the Northern Ontario Chambers of Commerce.

He says as of right now Northern Ontario would not go into a second lock down if the numbers stay low in this region.

He says, “I don’t believe the North or any other region should be punished because of people in Toronto, Ottawa and Peel. The people of the north are listening and it wouldn’t be a broad swipe across the province.”

Ford says that is why the north was able to enter stage two and three of the reopening phase a lot faster than other areas.

Meantime, he addressed expanded internet services for the north and he says this work is very high on their priorities. He says he recently spoke to the CEO’s of Rogers and Bell and they estimated the cost of doing that work at $10-15 billion for the entire province.

Ford says it doesn’t have to be done all at once but it needs to start happening soon.

He was also asked about the plan to pay the deficit that has taken shape over the last six months. Ford says its comes down to continuing to cut red tape and providing opportunity for job creation. He says “the government doesn’t create jobs. We create the environment and the supports, but it is the true entrepreneurs who create it, and how we are going to start paying that debt down is through growth.”

Ford says you can’t create a real economic boost by taxing people and companies.

Lastly, small businesses in Northern Ontario could be getting some extra cash from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund. Minister Greg Rickford who is also the chair of that board says they are introducing a new program that is expected to start in the fall.

He says this program will target small businesses who were affected by COVID-19.

Rickford says, “there will be threshold evaluations on the economic impacts to their businesses. And when and where it is appropriate, a grant format for them to carry on with some of the projects they would’ve otherwise done, had they not been hit by Covid.”

Rickford says this will be very helpful for businesses in the tourism sector but it will be available to all businesses. The official announcement will be made in the fall.


File Photo by Chris Dawson/

Filed under: jobs, lock down, Northern Chamber of Commerce, Ontario government, Premier Doug Ford