The North Bay Police Service continues to remind everyone about back to school safety.

This after they filed their first charge of the school year when a motorist drove through the lights of a school bus.

“At this time of year drivers must focus more than ever on basic safety rules and be certain to add some patience to your daily routine not only for buses but for our children that are walking to and from schools,” says Manager of Operations Inspector Asselin.

Police released the following information for:

Community Safety Zones are there to remind you that you are in an area that needs your extra attention. They are in effect now which means lower speed limits and double the fines. Remember these points;
– Children are more difficult to see than adults and are the least predictable. Take that extra time to look out for children.
– Stop for the school bus that has flashing lights. The bus is letting children off or on.
– Vehicle owners can be charged if their vehicle illegally passes a stopped school bus, even if they weren’t driving.
– The fine for a first offence starts at $400, up to $2000, plus victim surcharge and court costs, with 6 demerit points added to the driver’s license on conviction.
– When you approach the bus from the front or the rear, stop at a safe distance to let children get on or off the bus and cross the road.

Students and Parents
– Need busing information? has the information you need from safety messages to cancelled routes. NPSSTS stands for the Nipissing-Parry Sound Student Transportation Services. They are the people working to get your children safely to and from school.
– How are people in your household getting to school? Whether someone is walking, bicycling or busing make sure your household talks about safety practices including what route to take and safety concerns along the way. If parents are driving children to school know where the safe drop off zone is and any special requirements ahead of time.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay Police Service, school buses