The return to hockey plan has been detailed by the North Bay Minor Hockey Association and registration starts tomorrow.

Two training blocks are being offered with the first running from Oct 5th to Dec 20th.

The second will start in January and officials hope that’s when they’ll be back to a normal five on five program.

Meantime, the association says they’re allowed to sign players up in pods or bubbles, with players placed in pods based on their level of play from last season.

For the full Return-to-Play Plan CLICK HERE 

Return to Play Program
All Divisions
Registration between: September 18th – Oct 2nd
Program: 11 weeks
Start Date Week of October 5th
Finish date Dec 20th
Game dates Games will start Oct 19th

No Try outs. Players will be tiered by ability based on the level they played last season.
The association reserves the right to move players to accommodate bubble size
Maximum 50 players per bubble (think of this as a league)
Maximum 25 participants per practice ice session, including coaches, as per OHF guidelines
Maximum 20 participants per game ice session as per OHF guidelines
Training groups will consist of 9 skaters and one goalie (10)
Two training groups will practice together
Program has been developed based on 1.5 hour time blocks as per the City of North Bay
Coaches will be required to obtain certifications as per NOHA guidelines
Groups will follow the City of North Bay instructions with respect to facility operations.

****Program is subject to change based on ice availability and registration numbers. Program costs will be adjusted accordingly***

Tier One Program (U9, U11, U13, U15, U18) – previously registered Rep players
Program starts with a 2 week conditioning block
Program based on a 3 to 1 practice to game ratio.
2 – 1.5 hour ice sessions per week
Modified officiated games starting the week of Oct 19th
NOHA 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 Game Rules
Approximate cost for 11 week program $500

Tier Two Program (U9, U11, U13, U15, U18) – previously registered House players
Program starts with a 2 week conditioning block (Starts the week of Oct 5th)
Program based on 1 ice time per week at 1.5 hours as per City of North Bay
Starting the week of Oct 19th, weekly Ice session will consist of a 30 minute skills practice followed by a modified officiated game
NOHA 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 Game Rules
Approximate cost for 11 week program is $325
Additional practice ice may be booked, subject to demand, keeping in mind we must stay within the bubble of 50. This would be an additional cost shared amongst participants.

U7 – Officials have been given permission to start registering Tyke players.  Registration will open Friday September 18th.  It is important that you register quickly to avoid disappointment as we may be limited  based on ice availability. ***Please note…your child must be able to skate unassisted and get up on their own.


(Photo by Jeff Turl/

Filed under: North Bay Minor Hockey Association