A webinar on managing pandemic fatigue in the workplace is coming up this week locally.

Workplace Safety North is hosting the free online session on Wednesday at noon.

It’s their fifth ‘COVID-19 Conversations’ webinar, with over 700 people taking in the sessions so far.

At the Sept. 30 webinar, participants have the opportunity to learn from Irene Caufield-Cook, M.S.W., R.S.W., owner of Caufield Counselling and Consulting, who will discuss the psychological impact of pandemic fatigue on employees, and what employers can do to support employee mental wellbeing during times of uncertainty.

Discussion topics include:
– What is pandemic fatigue?
– What are the stressors impacting mental health?
– What are the long-term implications of extended periods of stress?
– Mental health and wellness strategies to manage increased mental load associated with the pandemic
– How to support employees dealing with increased stress and anxiety

The webinar series is designed to help businesses and communities cope with changes caused by the pandemic.

Employers, workers, and community members are invited to participate in the free monthly WSN Feed Your Brain Lunch and Learn webinar series to discuss the most pressing issues we are all facing, and to learn from experts and each other.

The webinar is hosted by Angele Poitras, WSN Community Engagement Specialist and Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor.

Learn more or register here: https://www.workplacesafetynorth.ca/events/event/covid-19-conversations-managing-pandemic-fatigue-workplace-feed-your-brain-lunch-and

(Photo submitted)

Filed under: COVID-19, north bay, Pandemic fatigue, Workplace Safety North