Virtual town hall on the proposed taxi and rideshare bylaw goes next week
by richard.coffin on October 7, 2020, 04:10am. EST
North Bay Police are holding a virtual town hall next week involving the proposed taxi and rideshare bylaw.
The Zoom session has been lined up for 10 am next Tuesday.
Police say discussions will take place on the ‘City of North Bay Vehicles for Hire and Private Transportation Company Vehicles By-Law’.
Input on the proposed bylaw is being sought from the public and stakeholders.
Police say the bylaw has been designed to help ensure the health and safety of both passengers and drivers, focusing on consumer protection, protection of property and offering additional safe options for travelling within North Bay.
Members of the public may join the virtual meeting through Zoom.
Topic: Virtual Town Hall
Time: Oct 13, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: townhall
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(Photo by station staff)