Only a handful of people took part in a virtual town hall session on the proposed taxi and rideshare bylaw.

North Bay Police hosted the session this morning.

Chief Scott Tod was asked by a local taxi operator about enforcement and policing of the new bylaw — and if there will be a designated officer for the industry.

“The intention is for the police service to hire a special constable to do the enforcement of the new bylaw, that will include the inspections, the audits and also being in the community to meet with drivers, passengers and managers of the businesses that would operate under the licensing,” he says.

There were also questions around turnaround time for background checks, insurance documentation and plating.

Tod says next steps include combining all the feedback they’ve received and reporting back to the police services board with final recommendations for a vote.

“Our timeframe for this bylaw has changed many times and it’s anticipated that by the end of the year we will have a bylaw approved and passed by the board that addresses vehicles for hire and private transportation vehicles in the City of North Bay,” he says.

There are a number of proposed changes for the taxi industry.

They include a ten percent reduction in fees, removal of restrictions around using an app-based platform, there’s no requirement for a taxi meter allowing for more competitive pricing and more.

For Rideshare companies there will be licensing requirements, significant annual fees to operate, record-keeping and inspections, it’s also solely an app-based platform and more.

Check out the proposed bylaw here:

Filed under: City of North Bay, North Bay Police Service, Taxi and Rideshare Bylaw