More choice is coming to hydro pricing locally and across Ontario.

New rates for ‘Tiered’ and ‘Time of Use’ pricing have been announced by the Ontario Energy Board that start November 1st.

For residential customers the new ‘Tiered’ pricing will be 12.6 cents per kWH for the first 1000 kWh.

After that the price goes up by two cents, to 14.6 cents per kWh.

For time of use, the off-peak rate will be 10.5 cents per kWh, mid-peak is 15 cents per kWh and on-peak is 21.7 cents per kWh.

North Bay Hydro and Hydro One customers choosing to go with Tiered pricing will need to notify their respective utility.

Those opting to remain on Time of Use pricing don’t need to change anything.

For all the details check out:


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: Hydro One, North Bay Hydro