Healthy aging and fall prevention is taking place online this month thanks to the Health Unit and the local Stay On Your Feet coalition.
But officials are looking to residents to take the conversation offline too, by talking with their family, friends and coworkers.
Officials will be sharing information and weekly contests throughout November on the Health Unit’s Facebook page and website.
Themes include:
Medication Management – Drug interactions with prescription medications and over the counter drugs can cause drowsiness and dizziness, which can lead to a fall. It is important to keep an updated list of prescription and over-the-counter medications with you at all times.
Nutrition – As we age, our sense of thirst declines and therefore need to drink regularly whether we feel thirsty or not. To prevent dehydration, women need nine cups of fluid each day and men need 12 cups of fluid each day.
Physical Activity -Older adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more to achieve health benefits. Some health benefits may include improving balance, reducing falls and injuries, staying independent longer and preventing chronic diseases.
Home Hazards – It is important that we identify, remove and report hazards in and around homes in order to prevent a fall. Keeping all walkways, ramps and stairs clear, ensuring adequate lighting, and removing unnecessary carpets are some ways to remove hazards in the home.
“We are encouraging people to follow along and learn about tips and tricks that promote healthy aging and fall prevention,” explains Taylor Matson, Community Health Promoter at the Health Unit. “As we know, not everyone is online. We are encouraging individuals to use the weekly themes as a conversation starter with family, friends and coworkers.”
Each theme will allow participants an opportunity to be entered to win a prize pack.
Individuals who prefer to talk to someone about each theme can call 1-800-563-2808 ext. 5215 and be entered into the contest.
For more information on fall prevention visit

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: falls, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit