The city is looking at a $974,000 surplus as of the end of September.

It hasn’t come easy though as provincial funding for COVID-19 relief has played a major role in the numbers.

For example, Infrastructure and Operations is reporting a $769,000 surplus.

Chair Councillor Chris Mayne points out the province has provided a lot of support.

“Safe Start $401,000. The transit funding we received $1.1million and we even got $37,000 in funding towards COVID-19 cleaning requirements,” he says.

Other highlights include a $340,000 surplus for Community Services.

Community Services Committee chair Johanne Brousseau says this is despite setbacks in arenas, parks and leisure services due to COVID-19.

“The unit was able to decrease costs through personal gap in scheduling and vacancies, lower training and conference costs, lower advertising and supplies and reduced community programming in other areas,” Brousseu says.

Chair Tanya Vrebosch says there was a $985,000 deficit in General Government.
She says without the provincial relief the city would have a deficit of $3.2 million.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: City of North Bay, COVID-19