Outdoor rinks will be opening in the city this year.
Parks Supervisor Mark Thomas tells BayToday the Lee Park Skating Trail was well-received last year and will be back too.
“Weather-dependent we are hoping to expand upon what we had last year and once the skating trail is open we will be opening the Lee Park washroom which is a heated washroom and it’ll be maintained by the Lee Park staff and properly cleaned and sanitized for COVID,” he says.
Thomas also say that COVID, cleaning requirements for washrooms and trying to control numbers of people in indoor spaces has resulted in some changes to normal operations for other rink buildings.
“We’re just going to have the rinks maintained, we’re installing outdoor benches for people to put their skates on but the buildings aren’t going to be open,” he says.
Check out the full story at BayToday.ca

(photo by BayToday)

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