Even the best of the best still has to practice. Keith Urban was recently talking about a 2013 CMA Fest performance when he came out on-stage to do the guitar solo for Tim McGraw and Taylor Swift’s song ‘Highway Don’t Care

He says he forgot how to play the guitar solo in that song!

He explained:

I was halfway through the solo and went, ‘Oh, I probably should have practiced this before I got out here’ because I totally forgot it. And I can see the train-wreck look on my face and me trying to look like, ‘I ain’t nothing but a thing.’ But inside I was like, ‘what the hell is going on here?’ And then suddenly all those years of playing clubs comes in handy. And I remember the great phrase, ‘there is no wrong notes, just the look on your face.

Ok, so let’s see how well he actually did!

DANG! Keith Urban is so good that he fooled me! I would’ve never known that he didn’t practice!


~ Ryan


Filed under: Keith Urban, taylor-swift, tim-mcgraw