I haven’t even had a cold in the last 3 years. Despite moving across the country, starting a new job and rebuilding my entire life, there hasn’t even been a sniffle.
UNTIL NOW. I thought having 3 vaccines would help me more than it did. Having said that, maybe it would have been even worse if I didn’t get them. Whatever your thoughts are, I can tell you it’s real, and after having every single symptom over the last 2 weeks, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
I have tested negative now for over a week, but only today am I actually feeling like I can return to work without going down hard again.
It’s tough to find the positives in this one, but I remain grateful for these things:
-A doctor willing to help me out with symptoms as much as he could and a pharmacy willing to deliver
-A workplace willing to give me the full time I needed to get healthy enough to return
-Friends willing to drop things off if I needed them
-Logan from Mobo Pack who continued to walk Otis for me through the worst days
-Maid Marian St Onge Micks for coming and completely disinfecting my place now that it’s finally over.
…and finally, Otis, for continuing to be a source of entertainment and snuggling during my confinement.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy fall.
Stay well (and don’t get this…it’s a bad one),
Robin ??
Filed under: robinsjournal