The NDP candidate in Nipissing Henri Giroux made a couple of major announcements on hydro on the weekend.

He says if elected the NDP would reduce your hydro bills by 30 %.

As well, they would reverse the move to privatize Hydro One and put it back into public hands.

While he says all the parties are talking about hydro bills only the NDP has it costed.

“With ours people can see it. It’s all costed. People can see where the NDP will spend money. A change for the better is a vote for the NDP,” he says.
Meantime, Giroux will open up his North Bay campaign office Monday night at 1007 Cassells Street.

Giroux says after thanking volunteers for their support he wants the public to know why they should consider the NDP on a wide range of issues.

“Pharmacare, dental care. action on hydro bills, end hallway medicine and a student loan would be changed to a grant so it wouldn’t have to be repaid,” he says.

Filed under: 2018 Ontario Election, Henri Giroux, hydro, NDP