Canadore College is playing host to over 130 air cadets from across Canada for the next six weeks.

They’re here as a part of a partnership between the college and the Department of National Defence, that was started in 2008, to train youth in advanced aviation topics.

The cadets are taking either Airport Operations or Aircraft Maintenance courses.

“Through the execution of Aircraft Maintenance and Airport Operations training programs, our Canadore cadets will develop important specialized and life-skills including leadership, teamwork, and good citizenship,” says Major Luc Laverriere, Officer Commanding AATC.

Cadet Kaeden Seiter is taking the Aircraft Maintenance Course.

“I am hoping to work on interesting aircraft and expand my knowledge while I¡¦m here. I’ve always loved airplanes from a young age, and I want to be able to take what I learn back home to my home squadron and inspire younger cadets,” Seiter says.


PHOTO: Warrant Officer First Class Kendra Gardner greets two of the 130 arriving cadets during Intake Day at Canadore College Residence on July 8, 2018.  (Photo by Lieutenant Darius Soo Lum, Unit Public Affairs Representative (photo credit), © 2018 DND-MDN Canada)