North Bay City Council has voted to ‘opt in’, which could pave the way for a bricks and mortar cannabis retail store in the city as early as next spring.

Councillor Mac Bain was the author of the motion which was passed by an 9-1 vote, with only Mark King voting against it.

Bain says cannabis being sold legally is here to stay.

“Cannabis is going to be legally delivered to all of our homes if we wish on the 19th of October. To have a brick and mortar store is just an extension of what the rules are going to be,” he says.

King says he voted no because he wants the city to opt in later, once there’s a clearer picture of the impact of legally-sold cannabis.

“I would have liked the opportunity to have the police chief come before us and say what impact, from his viewpoint, is this going to have on us,” he says.

Filed under: Mac Bain, marijuana, Mark King, opt in