A successful Our Hospital Walk/Run yesterday at the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

Just over 600 people took part, raising $108,500.

The Hospital Foundation fundraiser supports much needed state-of-the-art medical equipment.

“It is fantastic to see so many community members come together in support of our hospital,” Gary Jodouin, Chair, NBRHC Board of Directors, told the crowd during the opening ceremonies. “Proceeds raised from the event will be directed toward much needed state-of-the-art medical equipment to ensure that our community has access to care, close to home.”

North Bay resident, Tara Blake shared her reasons for participating in the run. “What makes today very meaningful for me is that I was here two years ago – not for the walk/run – but as a patient. Thanksgiving 2016, I found a lump in my breast, which turned out to be an aggressive form of breast cancer. I am thankful that I received almost of all my care right here, at the North Bay Regional Health Centre, close to home: Mammograms,  ultrasounds, biopsies, blood tests, surgery and chemo. I was also able to have most of my appointments with my Oncologist via telemedicine, which saved me having to take many trips to Sudbury and allowed me to stay home with my family. What an incredible service.”

“Our Hospital Walk/Run is the Foundation’s largest annual community fundraiser,” said Tammy Morison, Foundation President and CEO. “It is through the generosity of sponsors and pledgers along with participants and volunteers that the Foundation is able help our community have an impact on the care available for our communities. Special thanks to all who helped make Our Hospital Walk/Run a success again this year.”

Community and Hospital teams were celebrated through the Team Challenge Awards.
– The Community Team Challenge Award: Maple Hill Health and Fitness
– Team Spirit: Z-one Fitness
– Best Team Name Award: Mojo Fitness
– The Youth Team Challenge: Team 1305
– The Hospital Team Challenge: Mission Impossible 6.x (photo submitted)

Race results and more information about the event are available at www.ourhospitalwalkrun.ca

The walk/run event has raised over $1.2 million since the inaugural event in 2006.

Filed under: North Bay Regional Health Centre, Our Hospital Walk/Run