Chris Mayne - Council Capsule Council remuneration and the budget were main topics on Council Capsule this morning.

Chris Mayne joined Matthew Sookram in studio and says there are always pressures to come in with a low budget increase.

He says finding that low number isn’t an easy job and can result in some unfavourable decisions.

Meantime, when it comes to raising council wages Mayne says it’s not something he would be in favour for given the economic circumstances.

Mayne says when it comes to council wages people shouldn’t be running for a council spot just so they can make some extra money.

As well, he touched on having fewer Councillors around the table and says 10 is a good number to stay at. He says they are expected to do a lot of work as they are the first and only level of government a resident can get an immediate response from.

Mayne says they do what they can to address economic, infrastructure and other needs in the community; however, they to rely on those other levels of government to invest in the community.

For the full Council Capsule recap click below