The leadership of North Bay’s next council says it’s ready to go to work.

The new council will be sworn in on Saturday.

Mayor Al McDonald says growing the city will be their top priority.

“It seems to be the major theme from all members of council. I’m thrilled. I ran on the mandate of growing our city. I’m very pleased on what I’m hearing from all members of council and how engaged they are even before they get sworn in,” he says.

It was also revealed that Johanne Brousseau is the new chair of Community Services. She says her top priority when she gets to work next week is to get the arena situation settled.

“To get that decided. After that comes economic development and I hope I will get a different insight on that as I have owned a business in North Bay for 22 years,” Brousseau says.

Tanya Vrebosch is the chair of General Government and the budget chief. She says the first big job is to listen to the public on what their big priorities are.

“We’re going to take public comments, councillor priorities and look at the Baylor report and the strategic plan and look at long term and short term needs,” Vrebosch says.

Mike Anthony is the new engineering and public works. He says the budget process will be top of mind but there will be projects ahead

“The first big one will be the one on Cassells and we’ll hit the ground running on that sometime next year,” Anthony says.

Filed under: Al McDonald North Bay, Johanne Brousseau, Mike Anthony, Tanya Vrebosch