There was no shortage of prospective job applicants in a job fair at Canadore College on Tuesday.
It was put on by Canadian Shield Health Care Services Inc.

They’re looking to hire 60 personal support workers and nurses.

Maneesh Walia, Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Shield Health Care told us they were very busy.

“I did over 20 interviews. Infact, we had to start turning people away and booking them for the next job fair in February. We didn’t have the time to get everyone in before the end of the day,” he says.

He says they’re also going to Sudbury and Parry Sound for job fairs.

Walia says they surpassed their hiring goal going in.

“Our goal of 10 which I didn’t think we’d achieve was easily surpassed and we offered jobs to apllicants on the spot,” Walia says.

Filed under: Canadian Shield Health Care, Canadore College, job fair