A third party investigator has been brought in by Canadore College to investigate anonymous complaints directed at one of their staff members.

The college says they still haven’t been provided details after receiving a lawyer’s letter last week.

The allegations were made at the same time as a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario complaint by a contract employee who didn’t have her fixed term contract renewed.

Below is the full communication that was sent to the Canadore community yesterday (Wednesday).  Officials say because this is a human resources matter they will not be commenting beyond the statement at this time.

Here is the statement:

The culture of Canadore College is one of respect and learning. It is how we operate and it is highlighted in our Respectful College Community Policy.

Over the course of the last few days there has been a focus on Canadore and some allegations, the vast majority of which are anonymous, directed at one of our staff members. These allegations were made in conjunction with a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) complaint by a contract employee who did not have her fixed term contract renewed.

The College is in the process of responding to the formal HRTO complaint and will file its legal response in due course.

This leaves the anonymous complaints outstanding. It is important to note that the first the College had heard of these anonymous allegations was in a lawyer’s letter last week and that at no point were these complaints ever brought to the attention of the College through the College’s complaint mechanisms. We have repeatedly asked the lawyer for the complainant to provide us details that will help us determine any further action, but as of yet details have not been provided.

In order to determine if the information requires further action we have decided to retain a third party investigator. This investigator, who has extensive experience in handling workplace accusations, will begin on March 5, and is expected to report back to the College in due course.

Filed under: Canadore College