City officials are thanking the public and ice users for adjusting their schedules this past weekend so a hockey tournament could continue in the city.
This after the closure of West Ferris Arena Friday night after ammonia was detected in samplings of brine solution in the chiller unit.
Community Services Committee Chair Councillor Johanne Brouseau tells BayToday the new unit is expected to arrive Monday.
The cost of the new chiller is about $60,000 plus labour.
She says this highlights the need for ice pads in the city.
“It does underline the importance of a decision being made as soon as this update on the figures from the MURF (Multi-Use Recreational Facility) are back, and we’ll be on top of that,” she says.
There’s also concern about the arena roof, too.
“There is going to be a roof inspection done by experts, it has been scheduled, and hopefully that report will come back and extend the usage of that facility for another year,” she says.
On the weekend officials said the target re-opening of the arena is Friday.

Filed under: Joanne Brousseau, West Ferris Arena