Mac Bain - council capsule  A bold idea to cut down the Council seats from 10 to 8 members; that was the main topic this morning on Council Capsule as Councillor Mac Bain joined Matthew Sookram in studio.

Bain brought the proposal forward and he says it’s a way to look at a council that is continuously changing.

Bain says this wouldn’t come into effect until the 2018 municipal election and if it does go through it could mean more work for those considering running for council.

He says if this goes through it could put more responsibility on the Councillors who are voted in.

The motion has been moved to the committee level for further discussion.

Council has accepted all the recommendations of the Water Rates Review Committee.

This means there is now a plan in place reflect water meter usage going into the 2016 budget. Councillor Bain told Matthew Sookram on that businesses will receive information on water meters size and pipe size on their October bill.

Bain says moving forward they would pay for what is more appropriate to what they have.