Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli has announced a natural gas expansion support program which could see 130 homes in the Northshore and Peninsula Road area receive natural gas services.

Fedeli told BayToday going to natural gas will save customers $800 to $2,500 a year.

The estimated $10 million project will be headed up by Enbridge.

Fedeli says the project is expected to start in the spring and should be finished by next year.

Fedeli says the taxpayer will save with this initiative because it’s not run by the government but by private companies.

“What we’ve done is allow the gas utility to be able to apply and do this on their own. This is a savings to the taxpayer and still provide the service that they’ve asked for,” he says.

Luke Skaarup, Director of Northern Ontario regional operations with Enbridge says this will save homeowners money and that’s good news for local residents.

“This is something that is in high demand province wide. With the cost of home heating costs anything we can do to make life more affordable is beneficial. This is big news,” he says.

(photo Chris Dawson BayToday)

Filed under: Enbridge, Natural gas, Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli, Northshore, Peninsula Road