We told you a few days ago about the launch of a new organization dedicated to the clean-up of the city.

It’s called North Bay Clean, Green and Beautiful and their first big event is a community clean-up day tomorrow (Saturday).

Several organizations are involved including the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce.

CEO Peter Chirico says there’s a business case for supporting this initiative because clean businesses inside and out can make a good first impression.

“A business whether it’s a restaurant or a gas bar have a chance to make a good first impression through the cleanliness of their establishment. If it’s clean green and beautiful that’s a great first impression people are going to see in North Bay,” he says.

He says having a clean city makes a good first impression for visitors.

“There’s a lot of people that come here because their kids are coming to college or university and those first impressions make lasting impressions,” he says.

If you want to take part tomorrow you can get garbage bags at several locations in North Bay.

Chirico says this organization isn’t just about picking up litter but it’s also about engaging the community.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: North Bay Clean Green and Beautiful