City Hall generic

The budget is the focus for the city this fall and they’re inviting the public to learn more and offer their input on spending priorities for 2017.

An open house goes Thursday, September 8th.

There will be a quick presentation in the council chambers at 5 pm then council and staff will be available in the lobby from 5:30 pm to 7 pm to answer questions and receive ideas from local residents.

When it comes to the fiscal plan, Budget Chief Sheldon Forgette says they first look to see how much it would cost to provide the same services as last year, then go from there. “My target is to have it at inflation, if there’s a tax increase.”

He goes on to say that they ask, “how do we get it down to inflation, if it’s going to be a large number.”

Forgette says the city is facing a number of challenges, including the province’s Cap and Trade Plan, which would add to natural gas and gasoline costs.

Residents who can’t be at the Open House can email feedback and ideas to between September 8 and 13, 2016.