A committee of North Bay City Council has approved a rezoning request that could see a 36 unit apartment building constructed at Front St and 2nd Avenue West in North Bay.

Rick Miller of Miller and Urso Surveying says his clients want to tear down a residence used as a triplex and a old garage and replace it with a three storey apartment building.

He says there are a couple of conditions the developer will have to address.

“The city has made it a condition that we hire a traffic consultant to prepare a brief which will detail any changes that need to be made.” Miller says.

The other condition is an on site inspection as this proposal if it goes ahead would be a brownfield development.

There are some neighbours concerned about the development.

They cite increased traffic and the lessening of property values.

Don Foisy says the area in question is right next to Mother St. Bride School and traffic’s an issue already.

“Traffic is extremely heavy there. Just take a ride down and you’ll see and you’re stopped by school buses, people driving their kids to school etc,” he says

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: 36 units, development, Front and 2nd Ave. W.